Black Moon - A Symphonic Legendary Tale
"Black Moon" is an expansive (approx. 28 min.) symphonic composition for viola, violin, cello and mid-size orchestra. It consists currently of 4 movements based on an original narrative. It served as guidance for the dramatic structure, yet the story is by no means a requisite for "understanding" this piece. The 3rd movement, in scherzo style, lends itself best for stand-alone listening or performing.

These are digital renderings, using Vienna Symphonic Library for orchestral sound samples.

Black Moon, 1st Movement (Image)
Location: Cove of a Norwegian fjord, the medieval Inn "The Black Moon" part of a remote, tiny hamlet. Dramatis Personae: Innkeeper, guests, the sage, town-council men, Prince Vannetsgud, the counterpart of Nökken (or Nykkjen) both legendary water spirits, one good, one evil.
I. Rush To The Cove (Andante, 7:17 - Remastered May 2024)
Black Moon, 2nd Movement (Image)

During the very first stage of a lunar eclipse, a quiet & peaceful night in a tiny Norwegian hamlet is suddenly interrupted by an outbreak of commotion; the innkeeper, who is woken up by the loud screaming of his infant son who appears to be feverishly ill, rushes outside in a panic to cry out for help.

Guests are woken up, neighbors alerted, women rush to attend to the infant, but no-one really knows what to do. By lack of a village doctor, the old sage with a lifetime of knowledge is called in and he manages to calm the people down. As luck will have it, he says, there is a chance, and one chance only to help the infant survive.

Legend has it that only during a lunar eclipse the legendary Prince Vannetsgud can rise from the water and use his magical healing powers. To call him up, they will have to descend to the cove and beg the water-spirit to appear. Everyone at hand start rushing their way to the cove below down a treacherous path.

II. Rise Spirit, Rise (Adagio, 8:43 - Remastered May 2024)
Black Moon, 3rd Movement (Image)
(The main theme is based on the Norwegian traditional folk song “*Heiemo og Nykkjen”)

Hours before dusk sets in, with the moon still bright, the sage tells guests and villagers at the cove's edge, to burst into the ancient chant: the call for Vannetsgud's appearance. The water suddenly begins to whirl slowly but instead, it is the evil water creature Nykkjen who emerges, lashing out to the bystanders and threatening to drag them in to drown them.

Luckily he fails. And then, finally, and after a ceremonial dance as well, the deep waters start to churn slowly, then faster and faster. A vortex in reverse appears and with increasing speed lifts up the good spirit Vannetsgud and a violent wave crashes him down on the rocky shore. Barely able to stand up, he receives the song* in his honor. The lunar eclipse covers already half of the moon. - Will they be able to return to the Inn and bring Vannetsgud to the severly sick innkeeper's infant in time to cure him?

III. Return To The Inn (Scherzo, 5:41 - Remastered May 2024)
Black Moon, 5th Movement (Image)
What was supposed to be a hopeful and joyful parade back to the Inn unintentionally turns chaotic as the visibility diminishes and the Prince merely manages to stumble along. In their rush to get back to the Inn, the villagers are getting increasingly disoriented and discouraged.

When they finally make it all the way up the treacherous path to the door of the Inn, the sage hails the safe return, however, the lunar eclipse reaches its peak while Vannetsgud is almost at the point of exhaustion.

IV. Beyond Breath (Allegro lamentoso, 9:07)
Black Moon, 4th Movement (Image)
The infant displays signs of high fever and while he fades out of consciousness, the Prince is gasping for air, desperately trying to harness his healing powers. Hope vanishes as time goes by. With the guests and villagers standing helplessly by the Prince gives it his best effort but his powers deplete rapidly; after a short while he collapses and falls to the ground.

At that precise moment, the infant opens his eyes and starts to mumble softly, oblivious of his good fortune and his surroundings. By now, the lunar eclipse is in its last throws, but the Prince's breathing has halted. The onlookers are torn between joy and sorrow for rebirth and death.

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