My Muscials
As a High School teacher (Dutch Language) back in the seventies in The Netherlands, I had the pleasure and privilege to work with hundreds of kids on three musicals I wrote for them. The third one, "Marcus" lays out one week in the life of a 14-year old student, his childhood fantasy-world that gradually deserts him, the interaction with friends and class-mates, the interference and impact of his school duties, and all that, while trying to face off a looming domestic disaster that will strike on day seven. -- The principal of this wonderful school I taught at, Mr. Broekhuizen, became a friend of mine, a true believer in my talents, and he made sure we could record the whole thing on an album.
High School Musicals:
Commercial Musicals (Comedies):
Here is a selection of the original songs --in Dutch-- from the musical Marcus. Translations are available with the link above. Songs from other musicals are still hidden in archives, waiting to be dug up.
Marcus CD Cover
Woensdagmorgen (Wednesday morning)

Dat gaat zo altijd en altijd maar weer (That happens over and over again)

Marcus Review Translation
Doe je ogen toe (Shut your eyes)

Geen zin (Don't care)

Marcus Review
Troost (Wish I could give you comfort)

Ruk aan de noodrem (Yank the emergency brake)

CHOIR: Freerk Jager, Milco Stam, Freke Brust, Marga Oortgiesen, Wilma Kuiper, Carolien Teelen, Hilga te Mebel, Margje Jeeninga, Janneke Jeeninga, Esselien de Groot, Rianna Landstra, Caro de Meyer, Alies Broekroelofs, Marieke van der Duim, Yvonne Schiotling, Marjan de Haas, Tineke Langeveld, Marja Zomer, Hans Boon, Leontine Broekhuizen, Geert Roekevisch, René Aaij, Margriet Markerink, Mariska Lankamp, Marleen van Houten.
SOLOISTS: Tamira Lankamp (Liesje), Wilma Groen (Edith), Carolien Strumphler (Roderik), Johan Bouwmeester (Marcus), Yvonne van de Ploeg (Sylvie), Els Beumer (Paulien), Hans Naber (Richard) en René Damen.
BAND: Birte Wolff (dwarsfluit), Wim Gerritsen (trombone), Bert Felix (bassgitaar), Andre Hertgers (akoestische gitaar), Willem van Londen (akoestische- en slaggitaar), Gerard Avenarius (drums), René Damen (piano), Paulus van Ginkel (percussie).
Kamphorst Kabaret - Judasloon

The musical "Dank je de koekoek"

Recently unearthed: This album contains a selection of the songs (in Dutch) for this musical I wrote for the Kamphorst Kabaret in 1976.  Music by Frans Soulier, Peter Jongeneel's Band, performers: Ger Allan, Gré Latour and The Pearls
Judasloon (Judas Bribe - 2:24)

Champagne Bad (Champaign Bath - 3:42)

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